I meant to write this back when it happened, but you know... life. We recently had a visitor in Tramp Harbor. This is not the harbor the cabin looks out on, but the one behind the cabin. And the visitor, well... something truly special:
Our visitor couldn't have chosen a better time to grace us with their presence. I sent my son and his friend down to the beach, and sat on the front porch to read. About two minutes later, I get the text:
"momomomomom... we see it! The whale!"
I looked up and wow, he wasn't kidding. I saw that whale's entire body I think, down to the yellow balene plates when it came up for air. It was a particularly beautiful day, so I stood there for about 25 minutes watching our friend come up every 2-3 minutes.
I could also hear people talking, dogs barking, and kids playing. When my son came back, he said that there were about 40 people down there, all taking in the sight.
We are so lucky to have landed here, what a magical place!